Buttons - Custom 1 : decouple main tank + turn off main engines + turn on orbital engines - Custom 2 : toogle bay - Custom 3 : toggle antena - Custom 4 : deploy brake chute - Custom 5 : control from cockpit - Custom 6 : control from engines…
Includes Habitats, Greenhouse, support for Life Support mods and Lazor System is an advanced targeting and guidance system with a lot of functions bundled in subsystems which can be activated by placing colored lazors Available at the main website are the demo and full versions. Both are also available on Steam and DRM free on GOG. The next best thing to internal combustion engines in this game. Necessary mods for the turbines: Procedural Parts - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70676 Procedural Wings - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29862… Enjoy & stay tuned! :) A ano, vím že je to potenciální energie, vím že jsem se v tomhle videu asi milionkrát přeřekl, ale myslím že konečný výsledek za to stojí.. :) __ Hudba: Intro: Zack Hemsey - "Mind Heist" Kevin MacLeod - Mechanolith… Updated Parts (reskinned): * Service Bay (1.25m). * Service Bay (2.5m). Color Variants: * Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk7 (New “Orange” color variant) * Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk12 (New “Orange” color variant) +++ Bugfixes…
New science parts and experiments All you need to start that base you always wanted Plugin for the Kerbal Space Program. Allows building vessels on any planet in any place. - allista/GroundConstruction Build & launch the Space Shuttle System mod. LEO with a 51° heading. RSS|RO|ETO See below for additional information. Space Shuttle System: forum.kerbal…om/index.php?/topic/13297…-new-release…Matth_laBallabe (@mattlaballade) | Twitterhttps://twitter.com/mattlaballadeNejnovější tweety od uživatele Matth_laBallabe (@mattlaballade) Only SpaceChem has mixed learning with entertainment as successfully as The Kerbal Space Program. The game is simple - design and build a spacecraft to take the cutesy Kerbals to the Mun and beyond.
Landing Gear, Grid Fins and more! Includes Habitats, Greenhouse, support for Life Support mods and Lazor System is an advanced targeting and guidance system with a lot of functions bundled in subsystems which can be activated by placing colored lazors Available at the main website are the demo and full versions. Both are also available on Steam and DRM free on GOG. The next best thing to internal combustion engines in this game. Necessary mods for the turbines: Procedural Parts - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70676 Procedural Wings - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29862… Enjoy & stay tuned! :) A ano, vím že je to potenciální energie, vím že jsem se v tomhle videu asi milionkrát přeřekl, ale myslím že konečný výsledek za to stojí.. :) __ Hudba: Intro: Zack Hemsey - "Mind Heist" Kevin MacLeod - Mechanolith… Updated Parts (reskinned): * Service Bay (1.25m). * Service Bay (2.5m). Color Variants: * Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk7 (New “Orange” color variant) * Protective Rocket Nose Cone Mk12 (New “Orange” color variant) +++ Bugfixes…
Engine Comparison Thrust (Vac) ISP Vac ISP ASL Mass Vac TWR ASL TWR Cost Cost/kN Thrust Tech Level Gimbal Range EC/s Crash Tolerance Entry Cost Ant (for comparison) 2 315 80 0.02 10.19 2.59 110 55.00 Propulsion Systems (5) 0 0 7 1500 Spider…
www.kerbalspaceprogram.com About Kerbal Space Program Kerbal Space Program is a multi-genre game where the player creates his own space program. In KSP, you must build a space-worthy craft, capable of flying its crew out into space, without… Kerbal Space Program: ELI5 Orbital Rendezvous - Balancing Your RCS (Part 1) A bridge over the river fun Adds 5m rocket parts, plus a variety of related parts and 3.75m items to fill in gaps. Fuel crossfeed status, docking-field notification. This pack is dedicated to space craft components. Currently it contains an advanced 2.5m command pod, a large 3.75m command pod, three low profiles engine, two fuel tanks with service compartments, landing legs, new RCS blocks and a utility… Updated to KSP 1.8.x (THIS Version ONLY Works ON KSP 1.8.x OR Above!
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